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January 18, 2023
Connected data-driven services are set to increase dramatically. A 2022 report from the Capgemini Research Institute found that almost 90% of organizations expect to receive revenue from intelligent services in the next three years. This is a significant jump from the 35% of organizations that currently offer intelligent services.
Data has the power to influence more efficient design, performance, sustainability, privacy, growth, and customer engagement – and ultimately deliver better results, devices, and value. However, putting data first requires a complete overhaul of frameworks and mindset.Adding a product to an ecosystem where it can interact with live data is a game changer when it comes to product design. Data ecosystems can also change the way you test and validate a functionality using the real usage of the products day by day.
The transformation to connected products and intelligent services is a complete journey. In this paper we explore how building a connected product ecosystem combined with the power of data and artificial intelligence and others technologies – such as cloud, IoT, and blockchain – can help organizations develop new functionalities, identify new data- driven services to create the next generation of products and services that fully interact with users and environments.
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