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September 10, 2024
The global payments industry is undergoing a seismic shift as consumers increasingly adopt digital transactions over cash. Supportive regulations and innovative industry initiatives, especially open finance and instant payments, are both playing key roles in this transformation.
The World Payments Report 2025, our 20th anniversary edition of this report, reflects the views of 600 corporate treasurers from across three industries: insurance, retail, and automotive. It also includes payments insights from focused interviews and surveys with over 200 senior payment executives of leading banks (Tier I and Tier II), financial service organizations, payment service providers, industry associations, and central banks representing all regions of the globe – the Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific/Middle East. Key findings include:
Our report offers insights and strategies to help banks and other payment services providers meet and exceed customer expectations and grow profitability during this transformative period for the industry:
Develop innovative and adaptive cross-product, multi-rail value propositions that deliver a superior experience for customers.
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