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Generative KI
Künstliche Intelligenz
October 26, 2024
Sustainability is on business agendas around the world, prompting organizations to adapt ways of working to the new normal: Delivering economic results as well as social and environmental. It’s ushering in the eco-digital era™ that is more connected and data-driven while being rooted in sustainability efforts.
Enterprise IT doesn’t have to be the villain in this story – it has the power to transform how organizations work and how they deliver on their sustainability objectives.
Tracking Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions is critical to an organization’s sustainability agenda. As a downstream service provider, the right ADM partner will be able to help reduce Scope 3 emissions.
Download this point of view, where Neelam Gupta and Gary James write about how sustainability is a financially viable business pursuit and how organizations can run leaner and more efficiently with the latest technologies while achieving sustainability goals. And if you would like Capgemini to help you in your journey, contact our experts below.
1 PDF (619 KB)
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