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Künstliche Intelligenz
October 27, 2021
Growing expectations from QA. Can we meet them? Yes. We can.
The 12th edition of the World Quality Report highlights the fact that expectations of QA have been steadily increasing.
There’s an upward trend in almost every objective for which we have previous data. These include the need to support business growth and the importance of ensuring end-user satisfaction. Both of these indicate that QA is no longer seen as a backroom discipline, divorced from the rest of the organization. QA has been steadily evolving – from an independent function to an integrated function, and now to an inclusive function.
Also, the role of the QA practitioner is transforming from finding and reporting defects, to becoming the orchestrator of quality; and they are expected to ensure that the other engineering team members inculcate quality in their way of working. User experience and production testing is also gaining ground implying that QA is not only shifting left but also moving right.
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